You Can Transform Your Life... choosing your growth and expansion

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what does your heart say

What are you feeling at the moment?

Check in invitation; what are you feeling at the moment? And, is it how you want to feel? Are you… …. relaxed and at ease? … calm, but alert? ….a bit wound up or tense? Whatever you’re feeling, this is… read more

deep self-love

What does deep self-love mean to you?

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “deep self-love”? And, is it something that feels like a priority? To me, deep self-love is one way to look at deep healing. In this context, what I mean by… read more

How (and why) to give your mind a new job.

How often to do you think you’re fully present? Awhile back, I decided to be aware of how often I was worrying about something… …versus just being present. And I was somewhat shocked to discover that once I decided to… read more